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Stories for the future of Europe
Join us in exploring the possibilities of the future! Share your future perspectives, discover other people’s visions, and engage in a dialogue on what Europe and the world may look like in the future. We collect, share and distribute your visions in our stories database.
Share your visions of the future!
Your ideas matter – shape the future you want! Share your visions of tomorrow and join us in creating a narrative that inspires citizens, policymakers, and foresight experts. Together, we can co-create the future.
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Your story, and those of others, are presented to EU policymakers
Stories - find your inspiration!
Stories do shape futures. Dive into the video tutorials to explore how future narratives are born. Further below, browse trough a series of inspiring, thought-provoking stories around challenges and opportunities of our futures.

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Get inspiration from the Storiesfrom2050 project
A Dreamer in Arcadia - by Umar Sheraz
Nadia yawned as she started poring over her journal and began to think of how to piece together her daily journal. As an anthropologist working on a comparative analysis of food resources and conflict, she had spent the last three months on NANGUN WRUK on an Intergalactic scholarship. She had specifically been chosen as she had been a champion of communal harmony and a believer in change being slow, measured and carefully thought about before being implemented.
Memories on the recovery of a Mediterranean fishing village and coastline - by Totti Könnölä and Matthias Weber
Francesco is once again on his terrace and letting his mind drift along with the sea view. After retiring from the European Commission in 2045, he moved back to the Italian village where he grew up. He has something important to tell Salvatore, his old schoolmate who never left the town but followed the family tradition as a fisherman.
Indicator species - by Octavia Cade
There were too many otters to name. Niall had named them as a child, the few he had managed to see; they were better than the friends he didn’t have at the school he didn’t go to and the home he didn’t want to go back to. As a young man, he’d forgotten the names he had given them, and the river was a place of temptation and absence, somewhere he’d had to be fished out of when it all got too much, and for many years after that, he’d avoided it.
The Waters are waiting for you - by Rachael Lowe
She is leading us with some speed. The light when it strikes her body refracts a rainbow that is whizzing with the speed we are travelling. Tadpole is in her wake, creating his morning song. The music emanating from him is exalted! I feel puffed up with pride, behind him, pulsing to his beats. Can life really feel this good? Aers ripples to a stop. We’re here, in a dry and oxygenated undercurrent atop the seabed. She turns to face us, readying herself for the call. She finds me with her eyes.
#OurFutures stories by EU citizens
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Fremtidens by
Hej! Jeg hedder Rune, og jeg vil fortælle dig om de fantastiske byer, vi kommer til at bo i, når jeg bliver stor. Det bliver så sejt!
Først og fremmest vil alle bygninger være dækket af planter! Der vil være haver på tagene, og grønne vægge overalt. Der vil være træer og blomster i alle gaderne, og vi vil kunne plukke frugt fra træerne, når vi går hjem fra skole. Det bliver meget bedre for planeten, og det vil altid dufte dejligt.
Vi vil ikke bare have elbiler, men også flyvende biler! De vil ikke larme og forurene som de biler, vi har nu. Jeg forestiller mig, at vi vil kunne flyve over trafikken og komme hurtigere frem. Måske kan jeg flyve til min vens hus på et par minutter!
Alt vil være virkelig smart og kunne snakke sammen. Når vi går på gaden, vil gadelygterne tænde, når vi nærmer os, og skraldespandene vil selv fortælle skraldebilerne, hvornår de er fulde. Der vil være robotter, der hjælper os med at bære tunge ting og rense gaderne.
Der vil være masser af sensorer og kameraer, der holder os sikre. Vi vil vide, hvornår det er sikkert at gå over vejen, og der vil være alarmsystemer, der fortæller os, hvis der sker noget farligt. Forældre vil altid kunne finde deres børn med deres telefoner.
Skolerne vil være så anderledes! Vi vil ikke bare sidde ved borde og lytte. Vi vil lave sjove eksperimenter, bygge robotter og tage virtuelle rejser til fortiden og fremtiden. Vi vil lære om verden på nye måder, som vi aldrig har kunnet før.
Der vil være superhurtige tog, der kan tage os fra den ene ende af landet til den anden på ingen tid. Der vil være cykelstier overalt, og vi vil alle have seje elektriske cykler og skateboards. Jeg tror, vi vil kunne leje dem med vores telefoner og efterlade dem, hvor vi vil.
Alle vores huse og skoler vil bruge solenergi og vindenergi. Vi vil have store vindmøller og solpaneler på hvert hus. Og vi vil genbruge næsten alt vores affald, så der næsten ikke er noget, der bliver smidt væk.
Der vil være masser af parker og legeområder med virtuelle spil og eventyr, som vi kan lege i. Vi vil også have store skove og søer midt i byen, hvor vi kan sejle og fiske. Vi vil kunne se film på store udendørsskærme og gå til koncerter i parkerne.
Der vil være masser af steder, hvor vi kan mødes og hygge os med vores venner og familie. Vi vil kunne spille spil, lave mad sammen og deltage i sjove aktiviteter. Alle vil føle sig som en del af et stort fællesskab.
Jeg kan næsten ikke vente med at se, hvordan fremtidens byer bliver! Jeg tror, de bliver helt fantastiske, og jeg håber, vi alle sammen kan bo i sådan nogle byer en dag. Hvad med dig? Hvad drømmer du om i fremtidens byer?
lepsza moja ojczyzna Rzeczypospolita Polska
-dużo lasu w którym pochłania co2 i uwalnia o2
-brak bezrobocie
-najwyższy dobrobyt
-wielka inteligencja ludzi
-sensowne prawo i bezpieczeństwo
-brak komunizmu
-ułatwiony transport we wszystkich gmin
-wybudowanie CPK w Polsce
-brak inflacji
-brak zielonego ładu
-brak nielegalnych imigrantów
-wykluczenie izraela z eurowizji
-uchodźcy mają obóz i nie mogą z niej wyjść jeżeli z własnej woli chcą wrócić do swojej ojczyzny to mogą
-dzieci w szkołach są uczone bardzo zrozumiałe , tradycyjne , prawdziwej historii i zawodu do której chcą pracować.
I imagine an Eurasian continent united. I believe the destiny of Europe is to join with the eastern powers in a connected continent. I imagine being able to move on bullet trains between Rome and Beijing without even have to hand a passport. I wish a large market connecting EU, Russia and China where european goods are the luxury for chinese middle class. I wish European history books teaching eurasian history will be used in European schools.
Emotional threats and psychological abuse: prevention and conviction
I dream about a future were narcissistic abuse, psychological and emotional abuse and threats and emotional domestic violence are punished with jail.
Emotional abuse is not considered a crime, like murder, but it can harm people, and their self-esteem.
I dream about a future where bullies at high school are brought to reformatory and encouraged to change their behaviors... A future in which people are not subject to cyberbullies' threats of death or misery, because they published a stupid post on social media.
I dream about a future were a woman who is emotionally or financially abused by her partner can have him removed from their home without having to provide "proof" of physical abuse or having to deal with unfair justice.
I dream about a future where sexual coercion is punished, together with rape.
Human dignity needs to be protected and safeguarded by strong laws. Being harmed emotionally can be quite damaging as like as being harmed physically.
The scars would not be as visible, but they can have consequences as well.
I dream about a future where people with dissociative social disorders are reeducated in order to be re-inserted in the society.
After my volontary work experience and after having seen people suffering from this, I dream about a future where emotional wellbeing is a top priority in all European countries.
2040: Embracing Diversity
I'd love to see a world where accepting differences is not just a buzzword but a lived reality. A future where diversity is celebrated, and people embrace various perspectives, cultures, and identities. Imagine a society where empathy and understanding replace prejudice, fostering a global community that values uniqueness.
Die Schule der Zukunft
Willkommen an der Schule der Zukunft, wo Bildung nicht nur Wissen vermittelt, sondern auch Kreativität, kritisches Denken und soziale Kompetenzen gefördert werden. In dieser Schule stehen Schülerinnen und Schüler im Mittelpunkt und werden auf ihre individuellen Bedürfnisse und Talente zugeschnitten unterstützt.
Die Architektur der Schule ist einladend und inspirierend. Statt traditioneller Klassenzimmer gibt es flexible Lernräume, die sich je nach Bedarf anpassen lassen. Hier gibt es Bereiche für Einzelarbeit, Gruppenprojekte, kollaboratives Lernen und kreative Aktivitäten. Die Klassenzimmer sind mit modernster Technologie ausgestattet, von interaktiven Whiteboards bis hin zu 3D-Druckern und Virtual-Reality-Simulatoren, die das Lernen erlebbar machen.
Lehrkräfte sind nicht nur Wissensvermittler, sondern auch Mentoren und Coaches. Sie arbeiten eng mit den Schülern zusammen, um ihre individuellen Stärken und Interessen zu erkennen und zu fördern. Projektorientiertes Lernen steht im Mittelpunkt des Lehrplans, wobei Schülerinnen und Schüler komplexe Probleme lösen, kreative Projekte entwickeln und realen Herausforderungen gegenüberstehen.
Die Schule der Zukunft legt großen Wert auf Diversität und Inklusion. Hier sind alle Schülerinnen und Schüler willkommen, unabhängig von ihrer Herkunft, ihrem Geschlecht, ihrer Religion oder ihren Fähigkeiten. Es gibt Programme zur Unterstützung von Schülerinnen und Schülern mit besonderen Bedürfnissen sowie Initiativen zur Förderung von interkulturellem Verständnis und Respekt.
Ein Schwerpunkt liegt auch auf der Entwicklung von sozialen und emotionalen Kompetenzen. Schülerinnen und Schüler lernen, empathisch zu sein, Konflikte konstruktiv zu lösen und Verantwortung für sich selbst und ihre Gemeinschaft zu übernehmen. Es gibt Programme zur Förderung von Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden, einschließlich Meditation, Yoga und Stressbewältigung.
Die Schule der Zukunft ist nicht nur ein Ort des Lernens, sondern auch ein Zentrum für Innovation und soziales Engagement. Hier arbeiten Schülerinnen und Schüler mit lokalen Gemeinden zusammen, um Lösungen für reale Probleme zu entwickeln, sei es Umweltschutz, soziale Gerechtigkeit oder wirtschaftliche Entwicklung.
In dieser Schule werden die Führungskräfte und Innovatoren von morgen ausgebildet. Schülerinnen und Schüler werden ermutigt, neugierig zu sein, Risiken einzugehen und ihre Träume zu verfolgen. Die Schule der Zukunft ist ein Ort, an dem die Möglichkeiten grenzenlos sind und jeder Einzelne dazu inspiriert wird, sein volles Potenzial zu entfalten. Willkommen an der Schule der Zukunft – wo Lernen zum Abenteuer wird!
Mehr fürs Leben lernen
Unsere Kinder lernen in einem digitalisierten Schulsystem mehr als nur die Regelschulfächer von damals. Sie haben Fächer und Kurse wie „Naturerhaltung", "Demokratieleben", "Selbsterfahrung" und "Toleranzkunde". Sie lernen nicht mehr nur das, was ihnen vorgesetzt wird, sondern sie lernen, vorliegendes Wissen zu transferieren und weiterzudenken. Es gibt keine Noten, keine Zulassungsbeschränkungen. Und ganz nach den individuellen Stärken oder auch Schwächen, werden Kinder und Jugendliche gefördert.
The life that I could dream.
Hi, my name is Davit I am from Armenia and I see myself in future as an established, and one of the influential people of my country. Now me with my friend going to establish a business and gradually develop it and after success of that one start another till we reach a point that I want to see myself in future. Regular life is not for me I don't imagine myself being 40 year old man and still going to 9 to 5 job and have no perspectives and opportunity to grow. I see myself as a wealthy man and will do everything to give my parents and my family everything that they will need. I know that in the way of all that I would going to have a lot of difficulties and there would be situations that was be easy to give up but I know that it was not about me and I will do my best to please first of all myself and second to my family. I want to have all my childhood dream come true and make a good future for people that couldn't do it by theirselves.
No Future
I would like to see my country and the world doing better because if we'll continue like this, then there will be no 2040. We are destroying the environment, animals, air and this will all lead to our own destruction. We need to take measures or whatever future that I will write is not going to happen.
Kan vi leve med klimaforandringer i fremtiden?
I år 2040 har menneskeheden sandsynligvis tilpasset sig og udviklet forskellige strategier og teknologier for at leve med klimaforandringerne. Her er nogle måder, vi kunne have lært at leve med klimaforandringerne på:
Bæredygtig Infrastruktur:
Byer har forstærket deres infrastrukturer for at modstå hyppigere ekstreme vejrforhold som storme, oversvømmelser og hedebølger. Dette inkluderer højere dæmninger, forbedrede kloaksystemer og grønne tage og vægge, der hjælper med at absorbere regnvand og reducere varmeø-effekten.
Vedvarende Energi:
Der er sket en markant overgang fra fossile brændstoffer til vedvarende energikilder som sol-, vind- og bølgeenergi. Fremskridt inden for energilagring, som batteriteknologi, har gjort det muligt at lagre energi effektivt og sikre en stabil energiforsyning.
Klimaresistent Landbrug:
Landbrugsmetoder er blevet tilpasset for at imødekomme ændrede vejrforhold. Dette inkluderer dyrkning af tørketolerante afgrøder, præcisionsvandingsteknikker og brug af teknologi til at forudsige og håndtere vejrrelaterede risici.
Uddannelse og Bevidsthed:
Klimaundervisning er blevet en integreret del af læseplanen i skoler og videregående uddannelser. Offentlige kampagner har øget bevidstheden om bæredygtige levevis og individuelle handlinger, der kan reducere kulstofaftryk.
Teknologisk Innovation:
Nye teknologier, såsom avancerede klimamodeller, har forbedret vores evne til at forudsige og reagere på klimarelaterede hændelser. Smarte byer bruger IoT (Internet of Things) til at styre ressourcer effektivt og reducere energiforbrug.
Økosystembaserede Løsninger:
Der er taget store skridt mod at bevare og genoprette naturlige økosystemer. Skovrejsning, vådområder og koralrev er blevet beskyttet og genoprettet, da de fungerer som naturlige buffere mod klimaforandringer.
International Samarbejde:
Globalt samarbejde om klimaforanstaltninger er blevet styrket. Internationale aftaler og partnerskaber har ført til koordinerede bestræbelser på at reducere drivhusgasemissioner og støtte klimatilpasningsprojekter i sårbare regioner.
Bæredygtig Byplanlægning:
Byer er blevet planlagt med fokus på bæredygtighed og modstandsdygtighed. Dette omfatter udviklingen af kompakte byer med god offentlig transport, flere grønne områder og bygninger designet til energieffektivitet.
Adgang til Rent Vand:
Forbedrede vandforvaltningsteknikker og nye teknologier til vandrensning har sikret, at befolkninger har adgang til rent vand på trods af klimaændringer, der påvirker vandressourcer.
Folk har tilpasset deres livsstil til at være mere bæredygtige. Dette inkluderer alt fra ændrede kostvaner med mindre kødforbrug til større brug af offentlig transport og cykling.
Gennem disse tilpasninger og innovationer har vi lært at leve med klimaforandringerne og skabe en mere bæredygtig og modstandsdygtig fremtid.
Crime and Incompetence
"This seems... excessive."
The officer was not exactly wrong. Even though there were no guns flashing and no armored offiers apart from four out at the entrance, the place crawled with police. Outside, inside. Ground floor, upper floor, every floor. It was all very calm and collected, the receptionist even going so far as to flirt very obviously with one of the briefcase guys. Those were the guys half of the people filling the lobby were there for, mostly for protetion. It seemed unneessary here, nobody making a fuzz, but caution was in the job description.
"The list says fourteen arrests, so we need the manpower to be there for twice as much, you know that."
The officer nodded, not complaining, and clearly not having complained, but simply having felt like commenting on the view. All in all, it was a small facility, a small bust, but it mattered. Like picking flowers, you pick them one at a time, not all at once. This was just one small operation, true, but there were hundreds like them, and more tried to spring up every year. One small bust, one small step.
Even with the place filled to the brim, the sound of the two people in expensive clothes being escorted down the stairs could be heard rather clearly. The old cops always said that you could tell by the sound of the shoes what was in someone's heart and mind. Impractical, expensive, probably designer shoes made a distinct sound, like a slow tap dance. The police in the lobby could all jump at the same time and all anyone would hear was a muffled thud from their more practical, soft shoes. More practical, and definitely cheaper.
"Alexei Bergman?"
The one on the left, a tall man writhing gently against the handcuffs, nodded and made a slight growling sound.
"Alexei Bergman, do you understand the charges that you are currently being apprehended for?"
He said nothing, scowling instead, trying to stand straight and use his imposing height to tower over the officers, but the cuffs rattled against his back, and he clearly did not like that.
"Do you understand the charges, Alexei Bergman?"
He still said nothing.
Making a small click as it snapped open, the tablet unfolded otherwise quietly, going from a palm-sized lump to a full-size screen, easy to read from. The arrest papers popped up immediately.
"Let's see. Okay. Alexei Bergman, you are charged with 18 cases of abuse of customer trust. These include deliberate obstruction of complaints, delays caused by deliberately insufficient contracts for shipment, misrepresenting goods in stock, and deliberate failure to provide proper product information. Do you have any comments to these charges at this moment?"
He snarled some obscenities in a language he thought nobody would catch. As insult to injury, the officer leading him told him to shut up in the exact same language, and the man glared at the officer. But being still in cuffs, he was not as intimidating as he thought.
"And you, I assume, are Rose Shenner?"
Unlike her male counterpart, the older woman also being guided through the crowd in cuffs looked to be on the brink of panic. She nodded, stammering some incoherent excuses about her guilt or innocence. It was the standard ball of yarn. Nobody took it too serious.
"Rose Shenner, you are under arrest for... oh my."
There was a small mark on the arrest papers, one of those that came once or twice in the typical career of a Customer Enforcement officer. It made it abundantly clear why there had been a little extra attention on the arrest.
"Rose Shenner, you are under arrest for the proliferation of payment and identification systems of an obstructive nature."
The rather terse and clinical description of her warrant was not exactly the fanfare that the event deserved.
"Ladies and gentlemen, it seems we have one of the key players of the Flash Direct Payment affair in our presence!"
Several of the officers turned to look at the woman. She looked like a regular high level employee, not the evil mastermind one might expect. FDP had been on every channel, every newsfeed, for over a year, charged with providing slow, unreliable payment systems across Europe and much of the world in general. Charges ran from strangling transaction speeds in order to extort businesses, to forcing governments and businesses to use FDP as their main, often only, way of payments. It had been hated widely, but they had greased the right palms to get in the way of everyone trying to do business. And for a time, they had profitted greatly from it!
"What in the world is this?"
It was the same officer as before. He was young, clearly on his first major bust, looking fidgety and unsure what to do with himself. Everybody was like that at some point. Everyone came from somewhere.
"We have a whole bunch of them, all gathered, and nobody did anything until now?"
He seemed fairly observant, probably even smart. Customer Enforcement was starting to attract much better recruits. But he was clearly not experienced. He would become that, one day. By then, he would probably look back at this day with very different eyes.
"Yeah, they've started grouping up. They're getting scared, running to hide among their own kind. Before the Customer Enforcement Act of 2037, they were everywhere. It was just how business was run back then, one big, chaotic mess of people trying to sell anything to anyone in any way possible. Nobody enforced stability or reliability beyond the worst kinds of scams, so people just accepted that anything they bought could get stuck in transit or not match the order or whatever, or that a broken computer in some distant country could mean they had no access to their bank, or even their medical records or voting cards. Enforcing efficient, competent business practices was seen as overreach."
The young man looked puzzled for a moment. He was maybe in his late twenties, so he had grown up almost alongside the fight to secure a stable business culture across the continent. He probably did not even remember the mess that had been allowed to flood the place before.
"So if a business kept screwing up everything, or forced people to jump through hoop after hoop to buy or do anything..."
"Nothing to stop them. Being bad at your job was just another human right, no matter what it did to people or the economy or whatnot. I am old enough to still remember government identification programs that could only run on a single phone, and when that phone was lost or broken, people basically lost their identity for days or weeks, unable to do anything or pay for anything, including getting another phone to fix the damned problem! I damn near lost my apartment at one point because I couldn't use my phone to identify myself, and the company behind it had made damn sure that there was no other way to identify yourself than through them. And the amount of stuff I have had to get refunded is ridiculous. It was like shopping in a supermarket during an earthquake."
One by one, the remaining arrests came down the stairs. Most had their heads down, a few were snapping angrily at the officers arresting them.
"An economy, not to mention a democracy, is built on trust. Hell, the word credit comes from the word credo, meaning I believe or have faith in something. But both the immoral and the incompetent abuse people's trust for a quick buck. So trust requires enforcement."
Another officer had taken over the reading of warrants. It had a powerful aura to it, perhaps even a bit too powerful. There were still those who barked at the enforcement of competence for any business or large organization, people who wanted to just use whatever was at hand and wing it, making their way by hoping any problems landed in someone else's lap. It was a tradeoff, like so much was. The continent, and indeed the world, was getting denser, more closely packed, and there was less and less room for bumbling idiots trying to play business tycoons at the expense of everyone else. Less room for people who focused on getting on top, rather than making things work.
"Now, we are that enforcement."
Decizia tuturor
Consider că un subiect deosebit de important pentru întreaga societate în care trăim îl reprezintă echitatea socială și egalitatea de gen. În viitor, femeile ar trebui să aibă un cuvânt de spus, care să cântărească la fel de mult cât cântărește în prezent cuvântul bărbaților. În viitor, tinerele femei care își doresc să se implice atât la nivelul societății civile, cât și la nivel politic, nu mai sunt privite ca fiind a doua opțiune, deseori fiind descurajate și fiindu-le oferit un loc la masa deciziilor doar pentru a atinge anumite cote. În viitor, oportunitățile sunt egale atât pentru femei, cât și pentru bărbați, iar meritele le sunt recunoscute ambelor categorii.
Believe in myself , stay positive
In 2040, I would like to see a future where access to quality healthcare is universal and equitable for all individuals, regardless of their socio-economic status or geographical location.
In this future, advanced medical technologies, including personalized medicine and telehealth services, would be readily available to everyone, ensuring timely and effective treatment for all health concerns. Healthcare systems would prioritize preventive care and early intervention, leading to improved overall health outcomes and reduced healthcare costs in the long run.
Furthermore, there would be a greater emphasis on mental health awareness and support, with comprehensive mental health services integrated into primary care settings. Stigma surrounding mental health issues would be significantly reduced, encouraging more individuals to seek help when needed and promoting overall well-being.
Medical research and innovation would flourish, leading to breakthroughs in treating and curing previously incurable diseases. Access to essential medications and treatments would be affordable and accessible to all, eliminating disparities in healthcare access and outcomes.
Overall, this future would be characterized by a healthcare system that is compassionate, efficient, and responsive to the needs of all individuals, ensuring that everyone can live healthy and fulfilling lives.
Forse ad un certo punto
Mi chiamo Luca, sono di Verona e sono in Germania per un semestre. Mia madre è russa, mio padre è italiano.
Immagino un'Europa futura in cui passeggio attraverso un quartiere vivace e interconnesso nel sud dell'Italia. Le strade sono illuminate da lampioni alimentati a energia solare e giardini verticali adornano ogni edificio. Come ingegnere per le energie rinnovabili, vedo persone da tutta Europa scambiare merci e idee sulla piazza del mercato, supportate da traduttori olografici che assicurano che tutti siano compresi.
I miei figli frequentano una scuola virtuale che li collega con amici da tutta Europa. Insieme lavorano a progetti per la protezione del clima e contribuiscono attivamente al miglioramento del nostro mondo. L'assistenza sanitaria è personalizzata e preventiva grazie all'intelligenza artificiale e alla biotecnologia, mentre un reddito di base incondizionato dà a ciascuno la libertà di seguire le proprie passioni.
Nonostante le sfide come l'integrazione dei rifugiati climatici, l'Europa cresce insieme, sostenuta da una democrazia digitale trasparente e partecipativa. Questa Europa, che punta sulla sostenibilità, l'inclusività e l'innovazione, mi riempie di profonda speranza. Ogni passo che facciamo oggi ci porta verso un futuro più luminoso e armonioso. Mai più guerra!
In 2040 i will be in my mid-50s with children in their late teenage years. I hope they will see a world that is still worthy to live in and have dreams about. I hope the state of the world will be one where people understood that it is of utmost importance to look after our planet as well as each other - because otherwise the ground of our own existence will be destroyed. I hope that populism & nationalism will be overcome and people understand that we are all together in this. There is no space for divisive "me & you" and "us & them" - it's about finding a common ground. Compromises that work for everyone.
Do I think that this future is likely to happen? No. Do I hope it will? Yes, until the very end I will.
60% for nature
60% of our reserved for nature, an official law accepted in 2030, when climate change was at its worst. And 40% for 'human' use.
Humans used to claim all land, for housing, roads, agriculture, while leaving little pieces to create some 'green'.....We where fighting for land, everybody wanted their piece. Understandably, as this was the way we looked at living and owning stuff. This happily changed. We had to, because in 2028 climate change was at its worst. We started to realise that we are not 'supreme' as a spieces, but part of the beautiful natural world that is around us.
It was quite a struggle to pass this initiative, but as Bhutan, a little country in the Himalaya area, had already successfully integrated such an initiative in the early 20ths, we knew it was possible. And saw the results of more connected and happy people.
A future where we all share responsibility for the common good
Humanity has resolved all conflicts, abolished wars, and opted to live in peace together. To achieve this, nations and powerful people have decided to put their personal interests aside to favour the collective good of all humanity, nature and the planet. Resources are managed so as to be distributed equitably to all, and their exploitation is done for reasonable consumption and no longer for pure financial interest. The divergent points of view underlying conflicts and wars are now discussed in a space where each of the parties concerned has the right to express themselves, where listening is respectful, and where the common interest prevails. Education is accessible and free for all children, art, respect for differences and critical thinking are taught. Diversity among the population is considered an asset and encouraged, no one wants to go back to the privileges granted to some only on the basis of their gender, race, sexual tendency, or any other particular sign. Technology is developed with respect for human, individual and collective rights, and when it becomes a common good, the technology no longer belongs to a private firm which makes profits from it but belongs to the community.
Quand les abeilles remplaceront le béton
La grande re-initialisation a eu lieu.
Les européens sont réunis et ont réussi à repousser la grande migration vers d'autres continents.
Le beton des immeubles désormais vides des banlieues est remplaces par des champs de fleurs où viennent butiner les abeilles.
Les robots travaillent sans relâche.
Robot nettoyeur, robot transporteur, robot berceur.
Personne ne regrette les temps maudits.
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