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And if it were a reality? Do you imagine it? (¿Y si fuera una realidad? ¿Te lo imaginas?)


August 25, 2023

And if it were a reality? Do you imagine it? (¿Y si fuera una realidad? ¿Te lo imaginas?)

This image was generated with Dream Studio AI.

First of all, I would like to see a future, one where technology could be used in the right way, to help us every day, that we could invest more in research in order to be able to cure all kinds of diseases, which we have a certain fear today because there is no cure, and which will give us a reassurance and security that we do not currently have. One where teachers had the means to continue teaching students in the best way from each country, because quality education is not priced. A future where there are no barriers, where we can build our capacities in any country of the European Union. A future in which we can trust each and every position at both European and national level, which is honest, honest and honest, but above all that seeks the well-being of each citizen.
But above all, I would like to see a future in which we can have economic stability for each and every citizen and have the chance to find a decent job that you enjoy every day you are in. I believe that the European Union can do much in this regard, provided that it remains on the right track and puts the citizens of all Member States before anything.




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Very nice survey! Well done


Still peace (but not in the sense of no wars), in the sense of societal peace, harmony between genders, between ethnic groups, between socio-economic groups. Social justice.




Solidarité et liens intergenerationnels


Je voudrais un future ou il y aurait plus de solidarités entre les jeunes et les personnes âgés pour lutter contre l isolement social. Plus d espaces de rencontres et de vie ou les différentes générations de mélangent via un soutien mutuel (garde d enfants, conseils de vie, informatique ou juste passer du temps ensemble)




Visiting European friends by train


I hope we will all work less. The 5-day workweek becomes an ancient concept of the last century. With a 3-day default workweek, I have time to visit my friends and family across Europe, by train. As the train network is increasingly developed and invested in, trains have become regular and affordable.
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