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be strong and powerfull


June 7, 2023

be strong and powerfull

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i want to be a businessman like my father
the future changed by me in my family live in germany




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A future where we all share responsibility for the common good


Humanity has resolved all conflicts, abolished wars, and opted to live in peace together. To achieve this, nations and powerful people have decided to put their personal interests aside to favour the collective good of all humanity, nature and the planet. Resources are managed so as to be distributed equitably to all, and their exploitation is done for reasonable consumption and no longer for pure financial interest. The divergent points of view underlying conflicts and wars are now discussed in a space where each of the parties concerned has the right to express themselves, where listening is respectful, and where the common interest prevails. Education is accessible and free for all children, art, respect for differences and critical thinking are taught. Diversity among the population is considered an asset and encouraged, no one wants to go back to the privileges granted to some only on the basis of their gender, race, sexual tendency, or any other particular sign. Technology is developed with respect for human, individual and collective rights, and when it becomes a common good, the technology no longer belongs to a private firm which makes profits from it but belongs to the community.




Decizia tuturor


I believe that social equity and gender equality is a particularly important issue for the whole society in which we live. In the future, women should have a say that carries as much weight as the men's word does today. In the future, young women who want to be involved in both civil society and politics are no longer seen as second-best, often discouraged and given a seat at the decision-making table just to achieve certain quotas. In the future, opportunities are equal for both women and men, and merit is recognized for both.




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No more sick people 🥰




Emotional threats and psychological abuse: prevention and conviction


I dream about a future were narcissistic abuse, psychological and emotional abuse and threats and emotional domestic violence are punished with jail. Emotional abuse is not considered a crime, like murder, but it can harm people, and their self-esteem. I dream about a future where bullies at high school are brought to reformatory and encouraged to change their behaviors... A future in which people are not subject to cyberbullies' threats of death or misery, because they published a stupid post on social media. I dream about a future were a woman who is emotionally or financially abused by her partner can have him removed from their home without having to provide "proof" of physical abuse or having to deal with unfair justice. I dream about a future where sexual coercion is punished, together with rape. Human dignity needs to be protected and safeguarded by strong laws. Being harmed emotionally can be quite damaging as like as being harmed physically. The scars would not be as visible, but they can have consequences as well. I dream about a future where people with dissociative social disorders are reeducated in order to be re-inserted in the society. After my volontary work experience and after having seen people suffering from this, I dream about a future where emotional wellbeing is a top priority in all European countries.
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