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Concerned (Besorgt)


June 7, 2023

Concerned (Besorgt)

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Ruimte voor alles en iedereen.


Nature has found a new balance and is no longer threatened. Climate change has stabilized and ceased. The new balance allows people, animals and plants to grow and flourish. There is space for everyone and nature is no longer threatened by humanity. Animals have space to flourish in their own habitat and are given space by humans. There is also space for everyone on earth. Borders are not there to hold people back. There are no wars and people do not have to flee.




My 40's dream


i think my future will be like my childhood dreams. All is about peace ,life with peace ,death with peace ,just peace . When we do that of course terrorists are gonna try start war instead peace but we are not gonna give up . in the mean time we are gonna improve ourselfs as a europeans and we will lead the world to prosperity. As a europenas we are gonna make world better place with peace




Test Claudia Voices That Count


Test Claudia Voices That Count






Most of the time when the Welfare system of the entire world is updated to a level that no diagnoses are existing with direct solutions shared by great projects to have access to prevention & Cure by regenerative era in Medicine, the most important part of any life Will be aimed to Art & Culture. Prople with Education are not forced to work 100% to have access to income. The real deal in Medicine & Medical Devices to rely on Will change the quality of life to another level that should exist from 1996. To give access to so much tax-toxicity afterwards when the entire world is Rich with new regulations via insurance created by @NegarRiahi & written Idea sent to @Phoenix.h2020 to update Horizon Europe about Humanity & Real Effective Poison Free Circular Economy as a solution to stop pollution & respect Prople at cellular level, Will open a gate to a paradise We Can live with no press from any human being who created an Industry to take advantage of our existance to force desinformation & treatments come along as extra job for human being and mankind to develop Poverty instead of give access to time to exist with our friends & relatives to learn more about sustainable art & culture & understand the aim of Living in peace with ourselves & Nature. I hope the world Will understand the concept of Living in harmony even via Dentistry to remove so much press on all bransches there people just educate eschother to correct the disaster Dentists alone created via toxic Materials nobody event Can hold in their hand to tolerate, and the reason Why we never Can get rid of the disaster is zero regulation in Dentistry that became a project via Democracy to save Prople from being affected all the time by keeping the non inert materials in the oral cavity. If We give access to real life once via Dental Technicians & Create best prevention via regenerative materials already existing out of reach from best Companies, then the government & social Welfare board Will have enough redouces to create Advanced quality of life fir many unemployed individyals in all regions and cities to develop best life with quality managementet via so much circular Health that gives access to global exisrsnce that is worth eternal powers as existance is worth more than money created by force via peace of papers. The art of Pottery & any other capacity We Can find as real Education to develop with our hands should be seen and worth a lot even in the future. We have to give a concept to human experience & the efforts of all artists with contracts are the same as artists in social media as civil society to add eschother when they are visibel in the world to have an open creative connection to the world via AI and all tools that are not Only created fir business. The best creation was once supprted via GOD creating Adam & Eve with zero income. @Wipo_Nafas on Instagram Will solve many problems & should get support from MPA & TLV & Government that are creating new regulations to support the innovation & concept to wik afterwards WIPO global Award. The importance of global health and removal of desinformation via all actions is needed from all branches but the hidden part of the problems related to toxicity is discussed by me via Medscape & CAPP to give advice via my Education as dental Technician with Other important visions to see the treatments to develop the same concept GOD had in his mind when regeneration and paradise was created again on Earth as We wish to see in each HOME there We Can start life without being strangers to eachother. Humanity wiki breath again after same day, having access to real health via Euipo regulations & European Commission & EMA #NoHarm rule there Technology becomes like eternal solutions with @ErernalNafas as Well registrering best friendship with all platforms to sustain how to breath with the entire existance with Love & Respect to Furure of life on Earth.
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