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Green Helsinki A (Vihreä Helsinki A)


July 21, 2023

Green Helsinki A (Vihreä Helsinki A)

This image was generated with Dream Studio AI.


When the light breaks through the blinds, a sunny summer morning. I open the window and blinds. Warm summer wind on my face. I eat the morning tooth, the teeth of the bees and the clothes of the Pue. Nappia still refuses a refrigerator and works in the direction.

The city is green and I note that the new vegetation has been planted close to my home during the night. There is no evidence of litter or other waste. Improved and increased waste bins have contributed to the cleanliness of the streets and the overall comfort of the city. Traffic noise is quiet, making my presence algae and energetic.

Moving home to see how the construction of a new residential area is progressing. A few modern houses have already been built. Old houses, which have been restored and renovated, have also been taken into account in the construction process. Mobility in the city is easy and distances are short. A new cafeteria has just been opened close to my home, so I can click on the stretches of it and a few of us for me and friends. We have agreed to a meeting in a near-nature park. On the Juos bus, I am already slightly overdue. I arrive in the park and set together to eat my imported fins and change my fams.


In the morning, I won’t worry to the sound of the abrupt room and I bore a badly sleeping night in my mind. I will quickly work with myself on the morning, and I will leave to walk. I feel relaxed as soon as I go out, as there are parks designed by the city around. The streets are also clean and the sewers don’t pull. I will continue my walking to the nearest shop, where I seek a cup of coffee to refresh.

I then go to work and come back with a new electric bus that the city added to improve carbon neutrality. I still go to home quickly and leave towards the meeting place.


In the morning, the sound of the accelerator clock is raised. As I rise, I note that the basket of dirt laundry is already full, so I will first decide to leave the laundry. Apartments do not have their own laundry tools, but a laundry box is available on the basement of the house company. When I get wipers placed on the machine, I will see the contents of the refrigerator from my phone. The materials seem to be an early morning, so that they are back in the direction.

Raw materials of animal origin can only be obtained from a small number of places. Society has moved almost completely into plant-based food. The fields that were at the time to produce beef cattle feed now produce food for people. Aamupalani is made up of vegetables collected from a house company’s vegetable land and bread from a waste bakery.

Before my departure, I will still export litter to recycling. Practically no waste is generated when recycling has been carried out. Recycling points have also been added to the streets, so there is no need to collect litter up to home. The increasing number of recycling points and guidance on their use has made the environment clean, as people know how to recycle.

There is still an old architecture in the centre of Helsinki. Efforts have been made to restore old buildings similar to those in the past, while taking into account accessibility. Between buildings, trees have been planted to reduce noise. The rags are not covered with asphalt, but the grass is allowed to grow freely in order to provide a better habitat for planted trees. Distances are short, so it is easy to travel by walking. However, our meeting venue is on the other side of the city. Transport is in fact fully electrified. With the reduction of emissions, transport is also much more quieter.

I walk to our meeting venue through a new district, which is still being built. The completed buildings are modern. I arrive at our meeting venue, which is a close-to-nature park on the periphery of the city. I see my old friend and, once I arrived, will start to change the famous characters.




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Kan vi leve med klimaforandringer i fremtiden?


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