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Republic (Tasavalta)


June 7, 2023

Republic (Tasavalta)

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I would like the Republic of Finland, että if you are a migrant without a large amount of money märä it would still be able to live, feed and the future of hyv&auml, i.e. be targeted in the same way as the country’s national glazing. It would certainly be my ös would help if there were bit &auml guidance; mit ä the country’s habits are and mist& could start and how breastfeeding; can continue.




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Getting everywhere in no time!


I hope that in 2040 there will be no traffic jams! Transportation means (of all types) would be friendly to the environment, fast and efficient. I will be able to have more free time instead of driving around and being stuck in traffic jams!




Being, not having (Being, not having)


Human-centered. Focused on collective well-being at all levels, detached from power and all the deriving values, attitudes and mindsets.




Equality, love, freedom (Ισότητα, αγάπη, ελευθερία)


The most important thing in the world is and will be our education. The world is now growing locked in. You need to go through, study, find a job in the public sector, you need to do a family. Why the wheel has to turn as the few. The world in the future should be free without any bias. Not be tied to work. There must be time for the family and the family must not wait every month. These social inequalities that cause superiority syndromes can no longer exist. Prosperity and immunity can no longer be advertised by all media. In 2040, let us live in a real world where children have a real education and live in a free world that makes it as they want rather than as it is what they want to do, and not as much value for people, rather than money. A world that has long been trying to build but always do the opposite and bring the worst.




A more selfless world ( Ένας πιο ανιδιοτελής κόσμος)


I will envisage a (utopian) future in which social and gender inequalities have been eliminated or even reduced, and environmental protection will be of paramount value. Where access to basic goods (health, food, housing, education) will be provided regardless of social class, gender race and other characteristics. A world where prosperity is promoted and not based on the enforcement of violence. A world where we respect the rights of others, animals and the environment.
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