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The city as a common edible


November 27, 2024

The city as a common edible

This image was generated with Dream Studio AI.

In 2040 zou ik willen dat de manier waarop we omgaan met voedsel en publieke ruimte fundamenteel is veranderd. Een ideaal beeld dat ik voor ogen heb, gebaseerd op de projecten waar ik aan werkt, zoals Fruitstraat Gent, is dat steden volledig zijn omgetoverd tot groene, eetbare landschappen.

In deze toekomst zijn steden niet alleen functionele woonruimtes, maar ook productieve ecosystemen waar fruitbomen, groenten en kruiden weelderig groeien in straten, pleinen en parken. Iedereen heeft toegang tot gezond en lokaal voedsel dankzij de talloze commons zoals gemeenschappelijke tuinen en fruitbomen, waar bewoners vrij toegang hebben om te plukken. Het idee van een korte en duurzame voedselketen is volledig ingebed in het stedelijk leven: mensen oogsten hun eigen voedsel of kopen het direct bij buurtcoöperaties, zonder de tussenkomst van vervuilende, lange distributieketens.

Daarnaast is er een breed besef van het belang van gemeenschap en participatie. Speculative design-projecten zijn niet langer alleen een niche, maar hebben een centrale rol gekregen in het vormgeven van de stedelijke ontwikkeling. Bewoners worden actief betrokken in het ontwerpen van de toekomst van hun stad, waarbij participatie en engagement de kern vormen van beleidsbeslissingen. Elk stadsdeel heeft zijn eigen projecten en experimenten die constant bijdragen aan de verbetering van de leefomgeving, zowel op sociaal, economisch als ecologisch vlak.

Dit toekomstbeeld zou resulteren in een gezondere, hechtere en veerkrachtigere samenleving waarin mensen niet alleen een band hebben met elkaar, maar ook met de natuur en het voedsel dat ze consumeren.




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No Future


I would like to see my country and the world doing better because if we'll continue like this, then there will be no 2040. We are destroying the environment, animals, air and this will all lead to our own destruction. We need to take measures or whatever future that I will write is not going to happen.




2040: Embracing Diversity


I'd love to see a world where accepting differences is not just a buzzword but a lived reality. A future where diversity is celebrated, and people embrace various perspectives, cultures, and identities. Imagine a society where empathy and understanding replace prejudice, fostering a global community that values uniqueness.




A future where we all share responsibility for the common good


Humanity has resolved all conflicts, abolished wars, and opted to live in peace together. To achieve this, nations and powerful people have decided to put their personal interests aside to favour the collective good of all humanity, nature and the planet. Resources are managed so as to be distributed equitably to all, and their exploitation is done for reasonable consumption and no longer for pure financial interest. The divergent points of view underlying conflicts and wars are now discussed in a space where each of the parties concerned has the right to express themselves, where listening is respectful, and where the common interest prevails. Education is accessible and free for all children, art, respect for differences and critical thinking are taught. Diversity among the population is considered an asset and encouraged, no one wants to go back to the privileges granted to some only on the basis of their gender, race, sexual tendency, or any other particular sign. Technology is developed with respect for human, individual and collective rights, and when it becomes a common good, the technology no longer belongs to a private firm which makes profits from it but belongs to the community.




Decizia tuturor


Consider că un subiect deosebit de important pentru întreaga societate în care trăim îl reprezintă echitatea socială și egalitatea de gen. În viitor, femeile ar trebui să aibă un cuvânt de spus, care să cântărească la fel de mult cât cântărește în prezent cuvântul bărbaților. În viitor, tinerele femei care își doresc să se implice atât la nivelul societății civile, cât și la nivel politic, nu mai sunt privite ca fiind a doua opțiune, deseori fiind descurajate și fiindu-le oferit un loc la masa deciziilor doar pentru a atinge anumite cote. În viitor, oportunitățile sunt egale atât pentru femei, cât și pentru bărbați, iar meritele le sunt recunoscute ambelor categorii.
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