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The sharing of the cake


February 11, 2025

The sharing of the cake

This image was generated with Dream Studio AI.

Dear future me,
Our world of 2023 must seem very strange to you from your point of view in 2054. You live in a society where equality is the primary value of humanity. Land assets are now shared fairly among all. The limited resources of nature are finally managed globally to ensure their sustainability.
You must look at us with respect and gratitude for mobilizing us en masse to change our societies and obtain international cooperation that ensures sustainable well-being for humanity.
Of course the richest had to accept to reduce their lifestyle, the transition was painful for all of us who were used to accumulating material goods. But many inspired men and women were able to animate and accompany this revolutionary movement. Thank them.
I wish you to keep in mind how much your egalitarian society has required sacrifices. Fight to keep it!




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Sa nu mai fie bolnavi oameni 🥰




Emotional threats and psychological abuse: prevention and conviction


I dream about a future were narcissistic abuse, psychological and emotional abuse and threats and emotional domestic violence are punished with jail. Emotional abuse is not considered a crime, like murder, but it can harm people, and their self-esteem. I dream about a future where bullies at high school are brought to reformatory and encouraged to change their behaviors... A future in which people are not subject to cyberbullies' threats of death or misery, because they published a stupid post on social media. I dream about a future were a woman who is emotionally or financially abused by her partner can have him removed from their home without having to provide "proof" of physical abuse or having to deal with unfair justice. I dream about a future where sexual coercion is punished, together with rape. Human dignity needs to be protected and safeguarded by strong laws. Being harmed emotionally can be quite damaging as like as being harmed physically. The scars would not be as visible, but they can have consequences as well. I dream about a future where people with dissociative social disorders are reeducated in order to be re-inserted in the society. After my volontary work experience and after having seen people suffering from this, I dream about a future where emotional wellbeing is a top priority in all European countries.




60% for nature


60% of our reserved for nature, an official law accepted in 2030, when climate change was at its worst. And 40% for 'human' use. Humans used to claim all land, for housing, roads, agriculture, while leaving little pieces to create some 'green'.....We where fighting for land, everybody wanted their piece. Understandably, as this was the way we looked at living and owning stuff. This happily changed. We had to, because in 2028 climate change was at its worst. We started to realise that we are not 'supreme' as a spieces, but part of the beautiful natural world that is around us. It was quite a struggle to pass this initiative, but as Bhutan, a little country in the Himalaya area, had already successfully integrated such an initiative in the early 20ths, we knew it was possible. And saw the results of more connected and happy people.






No lies to our children seems to be the most proficient way in making the future more reliable . This rule is easily achievable. Everyone will cooperate. And please save iranian women.
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