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Whole-planet survival and prosperity.


September 14, 2023

Whole-planet survival and prosperity.

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I would like by 2040 to see the world move beyond using fossil fuels to fully renewable sources of energy. This is not the only issue that is important to me, but I believe it is essential first to maintain a stable climate for allowing humanity to keep progressing in terms of expanding scientific knowledge, improving social justice, allowing continued prosperity for a greater number of people, and facilitate evolution in understanding and equality between people of different racial origins, sexual orientations and gender identities, as well as expand our understanding of nature and promote care for non-human animals and the planetary ecosystem as a whole.




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Republic (Tasavalta)


I would like the Republic of Finland, että if you are a migrant without a large amount of money märä it would still be able to live, feed and the future of hyv&auml, i.e. be targeted in the same way as the country’s national glazing. It would certainly be my ös would help if there were bit &auml guidance; mit ä the country’s habits are and mist& could start and how breastfeeding; can continue.




Education.Democracy. Environement.People.


Education will be in such a way that the future adults are able to understand, apply and preserve the core democracy ideas and living a life oriented towards environement. Also education should bring together our European values and people.




the expected day


For my country to be prosperous and to secure all living and human rights and to have all the obligatory means of life such as electricity and water available, and to fill our lives with coexistence in peace




The moment may change your day. Today may change your life. Your life may change the world


Conditions change with the change of times, or things are renewed by updating the capabilities and means, according to my aspiration in the coming years in the education and teaching journey. Students learn thanks to teaching tools that adapt to their abilities. In other words, students will have tasks that are a little more difficult than the level they are used to. Also, students who have had difficulties in a subject, for example, will get the chance for more practice until they reach the required level. Students will be positively reinforced throughout the individual learning process, as a result they will have positive learning experiences, and the amount of students losing confidence in their academic abilities will be reduced. On the other hand, teachers will have a clear view of which students need help and in what area.
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