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Winter Hesink 2050 B (Talvinen Hesink 2050 B)


July 21, 2023

Winter Hesink 2050 B (Talvinen Hesink 2050 B)

This image was generated with Dream Studio AI.

Story from Helsinki in 2050

In the morning, I wondered the morning of my morning to the link towards a nearby forest. In the morning, street lights ignited with what I close to me and closed behind. After the link, I stayed from the truck’s home and left towards the nearest fast track to which I travelled to the metro station. At the metro station, I got down to the metro. In metro, the clouds built there, when passing the fishing port, are cut off by cloud photographers. Nuostuani from the metro on the railway railway thus Finland’s main railway station
In all its old commands. Towards one of the dozens of offices in the centre The buildings that have been working longer than I say that the office is no longer in place since the last pandemic. AVAS computer and quantum computer for which I develop the system.

I live today in Tampere, but I now spend one night in Helsinki for work. I will travel to Helsinki by train early in the morning. The train journey lasted only one hour along a new line. Helsinki’s main railway station remains unchanged. It is surprisingly quiet on the outside, since private cars are currently prohibited in the city centre. I am very wondered about a white snow gang that is not used to see in the centre of Helsinki. Cars are no longer dirting it and street heating has been phased out to save energy and carbonise the heat island effect.

Prior to my posting, I will visit my homelands of childhood in the Arabian Bank. Pick up from the tram at the shopping centre. The old brick building is in place, but new dwellings have been built. There is no longer a demand for artisanal movements.

After reaching the beach, I will see how many grasslands have grown from the genome of an open area that was still grassland for decades ago. There is a clear improvement in biodiversity. Three towers are still familiar along the direction of the fishing port, as the construction project was not completed. The barrels of the Hana Island and Salmisaare power plants have disappeared from the landscape since they closed more than two decades ago.

After the works, I go to the evening of the Kaivo Park to spend time before the meeting. The sky of the sun is dark, the amount of waste light has been severely limited in order to save electricity and promote animal welfare. The perception of astronight has also been shown to contribute to people’s well-being. Helsinki has changed for the better from what it was three decades ago.

Belated worm and run-off. After getting out of the door, the knee up to the snow and I don’t need to be riaked. I therefore decide to walk and watch the landscape, because I am belated. The end-to-end green corridors of the city show little movement in winter. I need the voices of nature in the summer. Otherwise, nowadays, it is quiet because the volume of traffic is much smaller. So there are few voices, and only a whitle-white clean snow is visible. I walk to work in a calm landscape.

I received a report on the increase in Lepidoptera in Helsinki, where I was very satisfied. I have a certain success, because increasing biodiversity has been one of my objectives. It has been greatly affected by the expansion of urban vegetation areas and their naturalisation.

After the working day, I will decide to go to the nearby forest to see the stars, which I will do in most of the lunches. They are visible because I no longer have so much light pollution. Then in the direction of the meeting place of my group.

We meet and leave at our old secondary school towards Vallia

Convenient as today’s roads are white
Is not a brown humour
No. Nor does it improve its driving so much
No is certainly not

an ongoing debate

Helsinki did not achieve its objective of increasing the number of inhabitants;
ideally leave space for non-residential buildings in the city
it is also good in terms of the cost of services, including housing;
No Joo
fortunately, it has also fallen
yes, there would be a lot of people here if more cloud designers were built
too, they have a problem
this is the case.
they do not agilely increase the population
they create a lot of shadow that hampers all forms of vegetation;
wondered that they did not come;
not much more buildings have been built.
No did not need it when older people are already full of the place
they have been able to repair
administrative buildings have also been saved from the 19th century when they have been renovated, i.e. they have not won’t won’t be able to work in the same way as other buildings.
This has been saved yes to forests
I remember that, at least in the south of Laajasalo, the construction project was interrupted and the forest is safe
It was a stone
Indeed. In addition to the voyage of Laajasalo, many more forests have been left natural.
Excluding small paths
No Joo, but not much of the forest, if one part of the tree takes off the pole and moves further away to allow it to navigate
No. No.
The story has increased diversity, but much more
Dear so,
nature is better in the city
everything seems to go better than could have been imagined in the past




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In 2040, I envision a future where sustainable energy solutions have completely transformed how we power our world. Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time, and by 2040, I hope that we have made significant strides toward a carbon-neutral society. In this future, the majority of our energy comes from renewable sources like solar, wind, and hydropower. Advances in battery technology and energy storage have made it possible to harness and store vast amounts of energy, ensuring that clean power is available even when the sun isn't shining or the wind isn't blowing. Fossil fuels are no longer a primary source of energy, having been replaced by cleaner alternatives that not only reduce greenhouse gas emissions but also minimize air and water pollution. Cities are designed with sustainability in mind. Urban planning prioritizes green spaces, energy-efficient buildings, and public transportation systems that run on clean energy. Electric vehicles dominate the roads, and advancements in public transit mean that more people rely on efficient, eco-friendly options for their daily commutes. This shift to sustainable energy has also spurred economic growth. Green jobs are plentiful, with industries related to renewable energy, energy storage, and environmental conservation leading the way. Education systems emphasize sustainability, teaching students the importance of environmental stewardship and equipping them with the skills needed to thrive in a green economy. Moreover, global cooperation on climate initiatives is strong. Nations work together to share technology and resources, recognizing that the fight against climate change is a collective effort. International agreements are in place to ensure that all countries are on track to meet their sustainability goals, with regular progress assessments and accountability measures. In this 2040, the impacts of climate change are being mitigated. Communities that were once vulnerable to extreme weather events have been fortified with resilient infrastructure. Ecosystems are being restored, and biodiversity is flourishing as conservation efforts are prioritized. The planet is on a path to recovery, and there is a sense of global optimism as we move closer to a truly sustainable world. This future is one where the health of our planet and the well-being of its inhabitants are at the forefront of every decision, ensuring a better world for future generations.




The city as a common edible


In 2040 zou ik willen dat de manier waarop we omgaan met voedsel en publieke ruimte fundamenteel is veranderd. Een ideaal beeld dat ik voor ogen heb, gebaseerd op de projecten waar ik aan werkt, zoals Fruitstraat Gent, is dat steden volledig zijn omgetoverd tot groene, eetbare landschappen. In deze toekomst zijn steden niet alleen functionele woonruimtes, maar ook productieve ecosystemen waar fruitbomen, groenten en kruiden weelderig groeien in straten, pleinen en parken. Iedereen heeft toegang tot gezond en lokaal voedsel dankzij de talloze commons zoals gemeenschappelijke tuinen en fruitbomen, waar bewoners vrij toegang hebben om te plukken. Het idee van een korte en duurzame voedselketen is volledig ingebed in het stedelijk leven: mensen oogsten hun eigen voedsel of kopen het direct bij buurtcoöperaties, zonder de tussenkomst van vervuilende, lange distributieketens. Daarnaast is er een breed besef van het belang van gemeenschap en participatie. Speculative design-projecten zijn niet langer alleen een niche, maar hebben een centrale rol gekregen in het vormgeven van de stedelijke ontwikkeling. Bewoners worden actief betrokken in het ontwerpen van de toekomst van hun stad, waarbij participatie en engagement de kern vormen van beleidsbeslissingen. Elk stadsdeel heeft zijn eigen projecten en experimenten die constant bijdragen aan de verbetering van de leefomgeving, zowel op sociaal, economisch als ecologisch vlak. Dit toekomstbeeld zou resulteren in een gezondere, hechtere en veerkrachtigere samenleving waarin mensen niet alleen een band hebben met elkaar, maar ook met de natuur en het voedsel dat ze consumeren.




Democracy and quality of life


I would like to have a cure for cancer, freedom of expression and quality of life. I would like to be living in a democratic society with equal opportunities for everyone, where racism will be abolished and wars will be a thing of the past.




Ruimte voor alles en iedereen.


De natuur heeft een nieuw evenwicht gevonden en wordt niet langer bedreigd. De klimaatveranderingen zijn gestabiliseerd en stopgezet. Het nieuwe evenwicht zorgt voor groei en bloei van mensen, dieren en planten. Er is ruimte voor iedereen en de natuur wordt niet langer door de mensheid bedreigd. Dieren hebben de ruimte om te floreren in hun eigen habitat en krijgen de ruimte van de mensen. Ook is er ruimte voor iedereen op aarde. Grenzen zijn er niet om mensen tegenstellingen houden. Er zijn geen oorlogen en mensen hoeven niet te vluchten.
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