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Stories for the future of Europe

Join us in exploring the possibilities of the future! Share your future perspectives, discover other people’s visions, and engage in a dialogue on what Europe and the world may look like in the future. We collect, share and distribute your visions in our stories database.

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Stories - find your inspiration!

Stories do shape futures. Dive into the video tutorials to explore how future narratives are born. Further below, browse trough a series of inspiring, thought-provoking stories around challenges and opportunities of our futures.

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Get inspiration from the Storiesfrom2050 project
Seeds of change - by Lin Lune
Seeds of change - by Lin Lune



2021, ETH Zürich Seed Bank Cynthia Yu walks through rows and rows of shelving, a cuboid beehive with drawers the size of index cards, and whispers Latin taxonomy. She knows that she does not know how many species go extinct every day, and she knows that her unborn child will be named something special. 2030, ETH Zürich Seed Bank "Hey Cynthia, you should take the day off. Everyone's seen the news."


Tomato Seed - by Giovanna Guiffrè
Tomato Seed - by Giovanna Guiffrè



It’s the 26th of May 2050. Today is my birthday. My son wanted to celebrate my birthday at a famous restaurant on the moon. He wanted to fly us to the moon in his new airbus. But I refused by saying that I would like to celebrate my birthday at our house. Now the party has ended, and I am sitting on my terrace.


Proximity - by Nicole Seredenko
Proximity - by Nicole Seredenko



Each morning of the school week started the same way. Father Jim Mitchell and Harriett Baker walked to school together, a twenty-minute walk that was shortened by cutting through the farmer’s market. At a quarter before seven, every Wednesday, the local makers and growers were still setting up their stands for the day ahead.


Firebreak - by Chris Butler
Firebreak - by Chris Butler



Firebreak, 2025 by Chris Butler “Hey, Jerry, how have you been? It’s great to see you are still open.” I looked up from the glassware I was wiping water spots off. “Dan, I haven’t seen you for a few weeks. How have you been with, you know, all of the limitations?”


#OurFutures stories by EU citizens

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Test Claudia Voices That Count
Test Claudia Voices That Count
Test Claudia Voices That Count




The city as a common edible
The city as a common edible
In 2040 zou ik willen dat de manier waarop we omgaan met voedsel en publieke ruimte fundamenteel is veranderd. Een ideaal beeld dat ik voor ogen heb, gebaseerd op de projecten waar ik aan werkt, zoals Fruitstraat Gent, is dat steden volledig zijn omgetoverd tot groene, eetbare landschappen. In deze toekomst zijn steden niet alleen functionele woonruimtes, maar ook productieve ecosystemen waar fruitbomen, groenten en kruiden weelderig groeien in straten, pleinen en parken. Iedereen heeft toegang tot gezond en lokaal voedsel dankzij de talloze commons zoals gemeenschappelijke tuinen en fruitbomen, waar bewoners vrij toegang hebben om te plukken. Het idee van een korte en duurzame voedselketen is volledig ingebed in het stedelijk leven: mensen oogsten hun eigen voedsel of kopen het direct bij buurtcoöperaties, zonder de tussenkomst van vervuilende, lange distributieketens. Daarnaast is er een breed besef van het belang van gemeenschap en participatie. Speculative design-projecten zijn niet langer alleen een niche, maar hebben een centrale rol gekregen in het vormgeven van de stedelijke ontwikkeling. Bewoners worden actief betrokken in het ontwerpen van de toekomst van hun stad, waarbij participatie en engagement de kern vormen van beleidsbeslissingen. Elk stadsdeel heeft zijn eigen projecten en experimenten die constant bijdragen aan de verbetering van de leefomgeving, zowel op sociaal, economisch als ecologisch vlak. Dit toekomstbeeld zou resulteren in een gezondere, hechtere en veerkrachtigere samenleving waarin mensen niet alleen een band hebben met elkaar, maar ook met de natuur en het voedsel dat ze consumeren.




Lavorare meno, lavorare tutti
Lavorare meno, lavorare tutti
Qualsiasi cosa facciamo per migliorare il mondo non è abbastanza se tanto passiamo 8 ore al giorno a lavorare. Aspettare il weekend per vivere è una barbarie nel 2024. Bisognerebbe lavorare 4 ore al giorno con salario adeguato e sappiamo tutti che il lavoro part time esiste ma va implorato e chi vuole lavorare 4 ore guadagnando meno è considerato sfaticato.




Everything is possible with social solidarity
Everything is possible with social solidarity
I want everyone to be in unity and solidarity in the future, not to doubt anyone's security and future. I want everyone to have hopes that they can achieve their dreams and not worry about what will happen in the future. I want it to be a happy and peaceful environment not only for humans but for nature and animals. I don't want people to be bullied about the qualities they don't choose. I want balance for everything. And all this things I want for the future can be with people thinking about everyone and uniting, not their own interests




feed the body feed the soul win the mind
feed the body feed the soul win the mind
I am a dancer and yoga teacher. So, I want to see people dancing freely, loving to move and sharing it with each other. I'm a b-girl and it's hard to be in the break dance community as a woman. But I see that the girls who will come after me dont have this difficulty. Because the world is more indiscriminate and full of love. People dont complain and live in harmony of mind, body and soul . That's the main idea of yoga . And also I'm studying nutrition and dietetic. Healthy and holistic lifestyle and a world that embraces it. Of course everyone is more conscious . Everyone is in their own way . No ambition, no anger . Life is more meaningful that way




My 40's dream
My 40's dream
i think my future will be like my childhood dreams. All is about peace ,life with peace ,death with peace ,just peace . When we do that of course terrorists are gonna try start war instead peace but we are not gonna give up . in the mean time we are gonna improve ourselfs as a europeans and we will lead the world to prosperity. As a europenas we are gonna make world better place with peace




In 2040, I envision a future where sustainable energy solutions have completely transformed how we power our world. Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time, and by 2040, I hope that we have made significant strides toward a carbon-neutral society. In this future, the majority of our energy comes from renewable sources like solar, wind, and hydropower. Advances in battery technology and energy storage have made it possible to harness and store vast amounts of energy, ensuring that clean power is available even when the sun isn't shining or the wind isn't blowing. Fossil fuels are no longer a primary source of energy, having been replaced by cleaner alternatives that not only reduce greenhouse gas emissions but also minimize air and water pollution. Cities are designed with sustainability in mind. Urban planning prioritizes green spaces, energy-efficient buildings, and public transportation systems that run on clean energy. Electric vehicles dominate the roads, and advancements in public transit mean that more people rely on efficient, eco-friendly options for their daily commutes. This shift to sustainable energy has also spurred economic growth. Green jobs are plentiful, with industries related to renewable energy, energy storage, and environmental conservation leading the way. Education systems emphasize sustainability, teaching students the importance of environmental stewardship and equipping them with the skills needed to thrive in a green economy. Moreover, global cooperation on climate initiatives is strong. Nations work together to share technology and resources, recognizing that the fight against climate change is a collective effort. International agreements are in place to ensure that all countries are on track to meet their sustainability goals, with regular progress assessments and accountability measures. In this 2040, the impacts of climate change are being mitigated. Communities that were once vulnerable to extreme weather events have been fortified with resilient infrastructure. Ecosystems are being restored, and biodiversity is flourishing as conservation efforts are prioritized. The planet is on a path to recovery, and there is a sense of global optimism as we move closer to a truly sustainable world. This future is one where the health of our planet and the well-being of its inhabitants are at the forefront of every decision, ensuring a better world for future generations.




Everyone is prosper.
Everyone is prosper.
I would like 2040 to be antidiscriminate for people above 26 years old to get job. I mean here 26 years old is unmet to apply jobs. I mean its limited only from 18 to 25 years old. And the rest people are jobless even 40s and 50s years old. The issues are a lot. But i can't believe it its difficult here also to do business or self employee. Because everyone also have no job, and less moneys, to buy our products very challenging. I wanna see this will improved and people are secure financialy, can pay taxes, more integrity, prosper. I can't describe the future would be. Clearly, the future i wish is full of blessings and prosperity.




In harmony
In harmony
We are living in harmony with nature, with each other, with ourselves. How did it come to this? Money and technology were ruling the world, extracting the resources exponentially and destroying plants, animals, soil, air... It seemed that this approach to economy could not be changed, that everything was geared towards exploiting the Earth to the maximum. People were under the spell of technology, immersed into virtual worlds, virtual networks, virtual communication. Yet, there was rage building up, against the wealthy elites, against the political establishment and the capitalist structures. People started resenting the technology, media, AI, social networks, considering them manipulation tools of the elites. A movement started paradoxically through the social networks, to ditch the technology, ignore the media and ads, revert to more tribal ways of life, exchanging goods and services, communicating and building communities with neighbours, friends, relatives. In some places, there were outright revolutions against the rich, storming the mansions, hacking their bank accounts and burning entire marinas with expensive yachts... Some governments anticipated these shifts and revamped their fiscal systems to reflect the need for human and natural wellbeing, restricting wealth. Those were a very few lucky nations that avoided destruction and bloodshed. It took some years for people to realise what they were missing and what they were searching - closeness with others, with nature, with themselves, without the interference of technology, material goods, virtual realities. With economic systems in shatters, people had to roll up their sleeves again and work hard for their livelihoods, appreciating what nature and their fellow human beings could provide. Hopefully the future will bring new improved models of human conscience so that this life in harmony can be preserved and appreciated, without going through yet another round of rage, destruction and tears.




Harmony and humanity
Harmony and humanity
My name is Thea and I live in Oslo and Malmö. How do I envision the future? In 2040, the world is a model of sustainability and green energy, thanks to major advances in digital innovation and a global awareness of the need to protect our planet. Cities are now crisscrossed by vast green spaces that not only serve as the lungs of cities, but also improve the quality of life for city dwellers. Sophisticated clean energy systems, such as solar panels and wind turbines, are ubiquitous and efficiently integrated into the architecture of buildings and public transportation infrastructure. They are fully autonomous and emission-free, powered by green energy generated directly in urban centers. Digitalization is pervasive in all areas of daily life, enabling more efficient use of resources. Artificial intelligence optimizes energy consumption patterns and minimizes waste by providing accurate forecasts and real-time management of energy supply and demand. Every home and appliance will be smart and energy self-sufficient, controlled by systems that learn and adapt to optimize energy consumption and minimize environmental impact. In agriculture, the use of precise, data-driven technology has led to more sustainable farming methods that use less water and pesticides. Vertical farming and urban farms have proliferated in cities, reducing transport distances and increasing the freshness of produce, helping to strengthen local food supplies and reduce CO2 emissions. Industry has been transformed through the use of circular economy models based on the reuse and repurposing of materials.Innovative start-ups have succeeded in developing processes that turn waste products into valuable resources, not only protecting the environment but also creating economic benefits.Education has also taken a leap forward with a focus on environmental awareness and sustainable development, with students learning the importance and methods of environmental protection at an early age, creating a generation ready and willing to carry on and develop these ideals. Overall, the planet has evolved into a place where technology and nature coexist in harmony; societies around the world have realized that true progress can only be made by preserving our natural resources and promoting healthy, sustainable lifestyles; the optimism and collaborative spirit that has driven this change is a shining example of how humanity can shape its future when it works together toward a sustainable goal.




Ruimte voor alles en iedereen.
Ruimte voor alles en iedereen.
De natuur heeft een nieuw evenwicht gevonden en wordt niet langer bedreigd. De klimaatveranderingen zijn gestabiliseerd en stopgezet. Het nieuwe evenwicht zorgt voor groei en bloei van mensen, dieren en planten. Er is ruimte voor iedereen en de natuur wordt niet langer door de mensheid bedreigd. Dieren hebben de ruimte om te floreren in hun eigen habitat en krijgen de ruimte van de mensen. Ook is er ruimte voor iedereen op aarde. Grenzen zijn er niet om mensen tegenstellingen houden. Er zijn geen oorlogen en mensen hoeven niet te vluchten.




AI for more humanism
AI for more humanism
I would like that more people had that chance to work less while receiving more money for their work. With the productivity jump through AI enhanced technologies people would be able to finish their work quicker and would gain time to spend it with loved ones, take care of healthy habits, volunteer in favour of those in need etc




Una vida digna e igualitaria.
Una vida digna e igualitaria.
En el que todas las personas tengamos los mismos derechos a una vida digna, con un sistema sanitario para todas las personas, derecho a una educación pública, a transporte sostenible, a una vida saludable con alimentación sana y deporte, y a una vivienda digna.




For a Peaceful Tomorrow
For a Peaceful Tomorrow
In 2040, the world had transformed into a place where peace and unity were no longer dreams but reality. From a young age, children learned the value of diversity and the harm caused by racism. International laws protected human rights, and communities celebrated their cultural mosaics. In this new world, technology bridged gaps, bringing people closer and promoting understanding. Economic opportunities were available to all, eradicating inequality and fostering growth. Media represented all voices, contributing to a society where everyone felt valued and respected. Amid this change, you were a beacon of hope, advocating for a future without racism. Your work and passion helped shape this peaceful world, proving that unity is the path forward.




True enjoyment of life.
True enjoyment of life.
Tax slavery to be elliminated, less corrupt governments more power to the people that basically allow the mere existance of society as we know it. I dont want to be forced to work all my life so i can "enjoy" few years of retirement, ill probably not even make it through that entire duration so its futile really... I want people to be able to cultivate their spirit and truly live freely truly enjoying all possibilities of life




Democracy and quality of life
Democracy and quality of life
I would like to have a cure for cancer, freedom of expression and quality of life. I would like to be living in a democratic society with equal opportunities for everyone, where racism will be abolished and wars will be a thing of the past.








European community
European community
I'd like to see Europe continue along the dream of a continent wide community working together. With democracy prevailing and mis/disinformation being called out for what it is.




Aktivní občanství
Aktivní občanství
Přala bych si, aby si občané zvykli nekonfliktně se angažovat ve veřejném dění, uměli konstruktivně diskutovat, dokázali formulovat svá přání, dokázali přijmout odlišný názor nebo odlišné řešení,k němuž se přikloní většina.




Trager er beter
Trager er beter
Een samenleving die weer wat trager gaat, en tijd heeft om stil te staan, te repareren en dingen te ervaren.





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The future is shaped by our ideas and our actions today. Tell us about your visions of the future and help us create a futures narrative aimed at inspiring citizens, policy-makers and foresight experts alike!


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