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Winter Hesink 2050 B (Talvinen Hesink 2050 B)


July 21, 2023

Winter Hesink 2050 B (Talvinen Hesink 2050 B)

This image was generated with Dream Studio AI.

Story from Helsinki in 2050

In the morning, I wondered the morning of my morning to the link towards a nearby forest. In the morning, street lights ignited with what I close to me and closed behind. After the link, I stayed from the truck’s home and left towards the nearest fast track to which I travelled to the metro station. At the metro station, I got down to the metro. In metro, the clouds built there, when passing the fishing port, are cut off by cloud photographers. Nuostuani from the metro on the railway railway thus Finland’s main railway station
In all its old commands. Towards one of the dozens of offices in the centre The buildings that have been working longer than I say that the office is no longer in place since the last pandemic. AVAS computer and quantum computer for which I develop the system.

I live today in Tampere, but I now spend one night in Helsinki for work. I will travel to Helsinki by train early in the morning. The train journey lasted only one hour along a new line. Helsinki’s main railway station remains unchanged. It is surprisingly quiet on the outside, since private cars are currently prohibited in the city centre. I am very wondered about a white snow gang that is not used to see in the centre of Helsinki. Cars are no longer dirting it and street heating has been phased out to save energy and carbonise the heat island effect.

Prior to my posting, I will visit my homelands of childhood in the Arabian Bank. Pick up from the tram at the shopping centre. The old brick building is in place, but new dwellings have been built. There is no longer a demand for artisanal movements.

After reaching the beach, I will see how many grasslands have grown from the genome of an open area that was still grassland for decades ago. There is a clear improvement in biodiversity. Three towers are still familiar along the direction of the fishing port, as the construction project was not completed. The barrels of the Hana Island and Salmisaare power plants have disappeared from the landscape since they closed more than two decades ago.

After the works, I go to the evening of the Kaivo Park to spend time before the meeting. The sky of the sun is dark, the amount of waste light has been severely limited in order to save electricity and promote animal welfare. The perception of astronight has also been shown to contribute to people’s well-being. Helsinki has changed for the better from what it was three decades ago.

Belated worm and run-off. After getting out of the door, the knee up to the snow and I don’t need to be riaked. I therefore decide to walk and watch the landscape, because I am belated. The end-to-end green corridors of the city show little movement in winter. I need the voices of nature in the summer. Otherwise, nowadays, it is quiet because the volume of traffic is much smaller. So there are few voices, and only a whitle-white clean snow is visible. I walk to work in a calm landscape.

I received a report on the increase in Lepidoptera in Helsinki, where I was very satisfied. I have a certain success, because increasing biodiversity has been one of my objectives. It has been greatly affected by the expansion of urban vegetation areas and their naturalisation.

After the working day, I will decide to go to the nearby forest to see the stars, which I will do in most of the lunches. They are visible because I no longer have so much light pollution. Then in the direction of the meeting place of my group.

We meet and leave at our old secondary school towards Vallia

Convenient as today’s roads are white
Is not a brown humour
No. Nor does it improve its driving so much
No is certainly not

an ongoing debate

Helsinki did not achieve its objective of increasing the number of inhabitants;
ideally leave space for non-residential buildings in the city
it is also good in terms of the cost of services, including housing;
No Joo
fortunately, it has also fallen
yes, there would be a lot of people here if more cloud designers were built
too, they have a problem
this is the case.
they do not agilely increase the population
they create a lot of shadow that hampers all forms of vegetation;
wondered that they did not come;
not much more buildings have been built.
No did not need it when older people are already full of the place
they have been able to repair
administrative buildings have also been saved from the 19th century when they have been renovated, i.e. they have not won’t won’t be able to work in the same way as other buildings.
This has been saved yes to forests
I remember that, at least in the south of Laajasalo, the construction project was interrupted and the forest is safe
It was a stone
Indeed. In addition to the voyage of Laajasalo, many more forests have been left natural.
Excluding small paths
No Joo, but not much of the forest, if one part of the tree takes off the pole and moves further away to allow it to navigate
No. No.
The story has increased diversity, but much more
Dear so,
nature is better in the city
everything seems to go better than could have been imagined in the past




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Die Schule der Zukunft


Willkommen an der Schule der Zukunft, wo Bildung nicht nur Wissen vermittelt, sondern auch Kreativität, kritisches Denken und soziale Kompetenzen gefördert werden. In dieser Schule stehen Schülerinnen und Schüler im Mittelpunkt und werden auf ihre individuellen Bedürfnisse und Talente zugeschnitten unterstützt. Die Architektur der Schule ist einladend und inspirierend. Statt traditioneller Klassenzimmer gibt es flexible Lernräume, die sich je nach Bedarf anpassen lassen. Hier gibt es Bereiche für Einzelarbeit, Gruppenprojekte, kollaboratives Lernen und kreative Aktivitäten. Die Klassenzimmer sind mit modernster Technologie ausgestattet, von interaktiven Whiteboards bis hin zu 3D-Druckern und Virtual-Reality-Simulatoren, die das Lernen erlebbar machen. Lehrkräfte sind nicht nur Wissensvermittler, sondern auch Mentoren und Coaches. Sie arbeiten eng mit den Schülern zusammen, um ihre individuellen Stärken und Interessen zu erkennen und zu fördern. Projektorientiertes Lernen steht im Mittelpunkt des Lehrplans, wobei Schülerinnen und Schüler komplexe Probleme lösen, kreative Projekte entwickeln und realen Herausforderungen gegenüberstehen. Die Schule der Zukunft legt großen Wert auf Diversität und Inklusion. Hier sind alle Schülerinnen und Schüler willkommen, unabhängig von ihrer Herkunft, ihrem Geschlecht, ihrer Religion oder ihren Fähigkeiten. Es gibt Programme zur Unterstützung von Schülerinnen und Schülern mit besonderen Bedürfnissen sowie Initiativen zur Förderung von interkulturellem Verständnis und Respekt. Ein Schwerpunkt liegt auch auf der Entwicklung von sozialen und emotionalen Kompetenzen. Schülerinnen und Schüler lernen, empathisch zu sein, Konflikte konstruktiv zu lösen und Verantwortung für sich selbst und ihre Gemeinschaft zu übernehmen. Es gibt Programme zur Förderung von Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden, einschließlich Meditation, Yoga und Stressbewältigung. Die Schule der Zukunft ist nicht nur ein Ort des Lernens, sondern auch ein Zentrum für Innovation und soziales Engagement. Hier arbeiten Schülerinnen und Schüler mit lokalen Gemeinden zusammen, um Lösungen für reale Probleme zu entwickeln, sei es Umweltschutz, soziale Gerechtigkeit oder wirtschaftliche Entwicklung. In dieser Schule werden die Führungskräfte und Innovatoren von morgen ausgebildet. Schülerinnen und Schüler werden ermutigt, neugierig zu sein, Risiken einzugehen und ihre Träume zu verfolgen. Die Schule der Zukunft ist ein Ort, an dem die Möglichkeiten grenzenlos sind und jeder Einzelne dazu inspiriert wird, sein volles Potenzial zu entfalten. Willkommen an der Schule der Zukunft – wo Lernen zum Abenteuer wird!




Fremtidens by


Hej! Jeg hedder Rune, og jeg vil fortælle dig om de fantastiske byer, vi kommer til at bo i, når jeg bliver stor. Det bliver så sejt! Først og fremmest vil alle bygninger være dækket af planter! Der vil være haver på tagene, og grønne vægge overalt. Der vil være træer og blomster i alle gaderne, og vi vil kunne plukke frugt fra træerne, når vi går hjem fra skole. Det bliver meget bedre for planeten, og det vil altid dufte dejligt. Vi vil ikke bare have elbiler, men også flyvende biler! De vil ikke larme og forurene som de biler, vi har nu. Jeg forestiller mig, at vi vil kunne flyve over trafikken og komme hurtigere frem. Måske kan jeg flyve til min vens hus på et par minutter! Alt vil være virkelig smart og kunne snakke sammen. Når vi går på gaden, vil gadelygterne tænde, når vi nærmer os, og skraldespandene vil selv fortælle skraldebilerne, hvornår de er fulde. Der vil være robotter, der hjælper os med at bære tunge ting og rense gaderne. Der vil være masser af sensorer og kameraer, der holder os sikre. Vi vil vide, hvornår det er sikkert at gå over vejen, og der vil være alarmsystemer, der fortæller os, hvis der sker noget farligt. Forældre vil altid kunne finde deres børn med deres telefoner. Skolerne vil være så anderledes! Vi vil ikke bare sidde ved borde og lytte. Vi vil lave sjove eksperimenter, bygge robotter og tage virtuelle rejser til fortiden og fremtiden. Vi vil lære om verden på nye måder, som vi aldrig har kunnet før. Der vil være superhurtige tog, der kan tage os fra den ene ende af landet til den anden på ingen tid. Der vil være cykelstier overalt, og vi vil alle have seje elektriske cykler og skateboards. Jeg tror, vi vil kunne leje dem med vores telefoner og efterlade dem, hvor vi vil. Alle vores huse og skoler vil bruge solenergi og vindenergi. Vi vil have store vindmøller og solpaneler på hvert hus. Og vi vil genbruge næsten alt vores affald, så der næsten ikke er noget, der bliver smidt væk. Der vil være masser af parker og legeområder med virtuelle spil og eventyr, som vi kan lege i. Vi vil også have store skove og søer midt i byen, hvor vi kan sejle og fiske. Vi vil kunne se film på store udendørsskærme og gå til koncerter i parkerne. Der vil være masser af steder, hvor vi kan mødes og hygge os med vores venner og familie. Vi vil kunne spille spil, lave mad sammen og deltage i sjove aktiviteter. Alle vil føle sig som en del af et stort fællesskab. Jeg kan næsten ikke vente med at se, hvordan fremtidens byer bliver! Jeg tror, de bliver helt fantastiske, og jeg håber, vi alle sammen kan bo i sådan nogle byer en dag. Hvad med dig? Hvad drømmer du om i fremtidens byer?




Trager er beter


Een samenleving die weer wat trager gaat, en tijd heeft om stil te staan, te repareren en dingen te ervaren.




True enjoyment of life.


Tax slavery to be elliminated, less corrupt governments more power to the people that basically allow the mere existance of society as we know it. I dont want to be forced to work all my life so i can "enjoy" few years of retirement, ill probably not even make it through that entire duration so its futile really... I want people to be able to cultivate their spirit and truly live freely truly enjoying all possibilities of life
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